Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Hello World!!

this is the first C program every programer must have learnt. you pick any book, the first example you will find is "how to print hello world". i am not going to do the same here.
i chose this as title for my first blog. though i was thinking of start writing the blogs i dont know why it took so much of time. the reason for the delay i will discuss in the details. the reasons may seems too be silly but i think many user(specially the starters) will agree with me. so here i am saying HELLO to whole new world and hope to express my views on some general and personal topics.
so why did it took so much time to start writing a blog.
well i have the answer for some of them and for the answer of some of them i have to wait for some time.
thanks to a friend now i have started and lets hope that u get to see more from me. so ravi says HELLO WORLD!!

Welcome to the WORLD.
you probably have the answer to the ..who is going to read it..but i just felt that i must say something abt it too....
a just an easy medium to write...and writing is where u can express the various feelings and emotions u have...which are important for their own sake ..and for nothing else....ppl reading it is secondary..although..u might want a few close ppl to comment on what u write..and get to know u better...shantanu
dear Ravi,
it is my name too.
so thats how i am here.
expression is the human nature.
it is natural urge to express makes us human.
who knows- who will read-
neki kar dariya main daal-
write your heart and put it on blog..
thanks for all the comments..
i got the point that expressing urself is important and it should not bother u whether there is anyone who will read it..
i have got a new hope and i think i will continue writing.. some of my doubts are really answered..
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